Terra Equities specializes in boutique high profile retail projects focused on convenience in a respective market. Each project is intended to offer retailers the most prominent location available with the best in class architecture and tenant mix. Development projects range anywhere in size from 2,000 Sf free standing retailers to 170,000 Sf mixed use projects that incorporate retail, office, hospitality, and residential components.
Terra Equities owns and invests in retail projects in Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Mississippi, and Georgia. Allen Hawkins has participated in developments ranging from the size of a free-standing Starbucks, grocery/junior-anchored shopping centers, and mixed-use developments. Major retailers in the development projects include Publix, Kroger, CVS Pharmacy, TJ Maxx, Academy Sports, Starbucks, Chipolte, Men’s Wearhouse, Select Comfort, Mattress Firm, Dunkin Donuts, Aspen Dental, Tazikis Café, Pep Boys, Sprint, ATT, Verizon, Newks Café, American Family Care, New Balance, Jim N Nicks, Urban Cookhouse, and many other growing regional retailers. Radioshack. In the past ten years he has participated in the acquisition/development of retail projects that total over $220,000,000.